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Members receive a new issue of The Westminster Society's magazine The Westminsterian every Spring. This page shows you the cover of the 2023 issue and gives you a chance to see online the 2022 and 2021 issues. To receive your issue each Spring please subscribe: Join (on the Home page). There is still time to receive this issue! |

Spring 2022
Here is the front cover - marking the joyous occasion of the BA awards ceremony at the 2021 Reunion.
Scroll down for the inside pages - almost as if fresh off the press! In the long run, this might be the way we publish The Westminsterian, but for the moment, we'll chop down a few more trees for the next issue. This is the first time that this issue of the magazine has been shown online.
Here is the front cover - marking the joyous occasion of the BA awards ceremony at the 2021 Reunion.
Scroll down for the inside pages - almost as if fresh off the press! In the long run, this might be the way we publish The Westminsterian, but for the moment, we'll chop down a few more trees for the next issue. This is the first time that this issue of the magazine has been shown online.

Spring 2021
Here is the front cover. You do have 20-20 vision!
The 2021 issue cover has a collage of words from the previous year when Covid struck and when Oxford Brookes University awarded BA degrees to former students who had previously achieved a 3-year Cert.Ed.
Here is the front cover. You do have 20-20 vision!
The 2021 issue cover has a collage of words from the previous year when Covid struck and when Oxford Brookes University awarded BA degrees to former students who had previously achieved a 3-year Cert.Ed.